by Usha Govindarajulu | Apr 14, 2020 | Blog, comedy, Usha Govindarajulu
On January 10th, UshaGProductions hosted a Brown Disorganized Comedy – New Year 2020 show at Von Bar in New York City’s Lower East Side. All donations from this sold-out event were donated to Doctors Without Borders. Donations made to Doctors Without Borders...
by Usha Govindarajulu | Nov 28, 2018 | Blog
2018 has been filled with many movies, some chart toppers and some that shouldn’t have made the theaters, but within the mix, there are some movies that are a must see before the year ends! If you have some time with your friends or family, watching these comedies...
by Usha Govindarajulu | Nov 15, 2018 | Blog, comedy, Usha Govindarajulu
Most filmmakers start out with creating shorts. Finding out what they like and don’t like in a movie, the difficulties of casting and the time needed to create a masterpiece can really be explored when creating a short piece that will be first viewed by both your...
by thenson | Oct 1, 2018 | Blog, comedy, Usha Govindarajulu
Landline is a modern day short film about how cell phones have slowly taken over society and changed the way we view telephones. When a young woman carries her landline around with her after her cell phone stopped working, society brought shame upon her for doing such...
by Usha Govindarajulu | Sep 18, 2018 | Blog, Usha Govindarajulu
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